Wednesday, September 21, 2005

This & That

It's Humpday!! Woohoo!! Only a few more days until the weekend! :)

Many prayers for those in the Houston/Corpus Christi area where Hurricane Rita is suppose to hit this weekend. It's suppose to be a biggie - so hope everyone evacuates and stays safe. *prayers*

Cam's been a good boy at school! Yesterday/last night was kinda hard though - he acted up at closing time - throwing fits while Shane was there, etc. so we decided to come home & eat dinner instead of our usual Chick-Fil-A night since Cam was acting "tootie." He was upset about it - but we explained that he has to act like a big boy ALL of the time - not just for his teachers - but for Mommy & Daddy, too. He didn't eat supper good last night & continued to get in trouble the rest of the night. :( Then he wouldn't go to bed and it took 2 hours for him to get to sleep - after making a million different excuses for why he needed to get out of bed.
It was too dark, he was scared, he needed 2 sips of strawberry milk, he needed a sip of tea, his tummy hurt, he was itchy, he wasn't tired or sleepy, etc. LOL Then around 2am - he woke up again and crawled in bed with us. So I was squished in the middle all night - Shane hit me in the head w/his elbow a few times & Cam kept on kicking me! What a perfect night and so restful!! LOL And then he was up at 7am. I'm working on my 3rd cup of coffee right now! *yawn* He'll probably take a good nap at school today - but I need to make sure they don't let him sleep past 2pm so he will go down w/no problems tonight. I don't need a repeat of last night!

I went to Michael's last week and bought some stuff to make a mum and garter for this Friday's Pine Tree Homecoming game for Cameron and Delani Jo. It'll be Cam's 1st "date"! Awww!! LOL We've been talking about going to a Homecoming game with my friend, Cari and her hubby, Leroy, and their daughter, Delani, for a few years now - so we're finally going to go this year. They all (including Shane) went to Pine Tree Schools plus my SIL, Ashley, is a Senior Cheerleader, so we really needed to go this year to watch her especially. My MIL, Thetta, made the mum and garter this weekend and they turned out SOOOO cute!! I can't wait to see the two of them together! Of course, I'll take a million pics!! :)

Things I need to do:
*Get the pool table in the paper to sell so we can move our old couch into our gameroom to make room for our BRAND NEW (YAY!) couch coming in a few weeks.
*Clean out our closets - get summer stuff out and fall/winter clothes in.
*Get our "junk" room organized so I can have a garage sale and get rid of it all!
*Take our old computer in to get fixed so we can have 2 working computers.
*Clean our yard and front porch.
*Get the pics of the kiddos (at school) developed so I can display them on our picture wall at school.

Okay, that's quite a list for now! I'll be good if I get half of that done anytime soon!! :)

Okay - time for a shower and then get Cam to school before lunch!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Weekend Review

Let's see if I can remember what we did... ummm, Shane went out with some friends one night and I had a girl's night the other night & did a little drinking & dancing. :) But OMG!!! I am definetly out of shape b/c my thighs were in so much pain on Sunday!! LOL Wow!! It felt like I just ran a marathon or something... they seriously were killing me. How pathetic is that?? I'm going to start walking around the neighborhood come October, when it's not as hot. I'm sure it'll still be toasty - but not 99 degrees at 8pm!! I've got to get in shape - no excuses! Okay - I got off track - back to my weekend. Saturday, Cam & I drove to Tyler and met up with my bestest friend, Mari-Carmen, at the Caldwell Zoo. I got a work-out hauling Cam around in his Radio Flyer Red Wagon. And that probably had something to do w/my throbbing legs, as well, now that I think about it. It was a pretty day, a little warm, but we had some breeze. Cam had fun but wasn't as impressed as I thought he'd be. Who knows?!
I snapped a few pics, of course. You can check those out on the Flicker link under my profile.
Sunday, I did absolutely nothing. Cam & I didn't change out of our PJ's until like 4pm!! LOL We just hung out, watched some movies, played, did a little laundry, cleaned up a little bit and that's about it. I was still feeling yucky - allergies turned into a cold now and I'm coughing. Ugh. Plus my legs were killing me plus Aunt Flo paid me a visit. (Sorry, TMI) But I was definetly not in the mood to do anything. Ohhhh...and our AC backed up and water leaked all over the hallway and in the bathroom. So - I'm currently trying to try out our hallway - and it's super stinky! Blahhh!! I just want to rip up the ugly, stinky carpet and chunk it! :(

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about mentioning that after FOREVER - we finally ordered our new couch!! YAY!! I can't wait! It should be here in about 4-6 weeks! I really want to paint the den before our new furniture arrives - so maybe that will be my weekend project! I keep saying that .... but I really need to get on the ball. Now, if I could just talk Shane into getting new carpet as well... i'd be set. I know we can't really afford it right now plus Christmas is just around the corner, so.... I'll just have to deal with the fugly ugly calico carpet for now.

Well, I just glanced down at the clock and I need to get a shower before I head for work.....


Friday, September 9, 2005

My Rockstar!

This week was sooo long and the fact that I've felt like crap hasn't made it any better. I was in a mood tonight when I got home - just tired & cranky. Then leave it to my boy to make me laugh! :)

He goes into his room and brings out his guitar that MawMaw & Johnny got him in Mexico. He tells us to sit down - that he's going to play us a song. He sings something about being Batman for Halloween and this & that and then at the end says... "Rock-n-Roll! YEAH!!" and then bows and says "Thank You!" ha! ha! What a ham!! He's too freakin' cute! Okay, i'm a bit biased, but it was too precious! I'm sure you'd think so too if you could've seen and heard him!! ;)

TGIF!! I'm so glad it's Friday! I'm looking forward to going to the zoo tomorrow with Cam & my best friend, Mari. Cam is super excited about seeing all of the animals especially monkeys and the alligators!! I just hope it's a pretty day and I'm able to snap some good pics!

Until next time -

Thursday, September 8, 2005

1st day of school

Cam's first official day of pre-school in the 3 yr old class went great. Of course, he's used to it already (he's been in the 3's for several months now) but they started back with Circle Time and more w/the curriculum. He said he had fun and when I asked him what he learned he said "The letter A. Apple starts with A. Apple's are red, too! And we colored apples and painted!" And the great part - he's been doing great behavior wise all week! He's gotten a check mark by his name on the behavior chart all week! YAY!! And he's been taking a nap, too! :) He only had to go to time-out once on Tuesday - for not sitting against the wall when asked to.
(Hey - I can live w/that! That's nothing compared to normally!! LOL) and no time-outs yesterday!! I'm so glad! I think getting the older kids out of the room and more kids just his age helped alot. You know those older kids were a bad influence on my angel!! ;) heehee

I've been fighting getting sick - i've felt alittle yucky all week. Bronchitis, upper resp. infections, fever, and colds have been going around school. Yuck. I woke up this morning all stopped-up and coughing a little bit. I have a headache now, sniffly and my ears ache alittle. Goodtimes!
I'm going to pick me up some OTC meds after I drop off Cam at school and hopefully that will help. I haven't been sick in FOREVER.

Monday, September 5, 2005

Spent the weekend (and Labor Day weekend) working for my Mom. It just happened to fall that way (every 4th weekend) and think it falls on Christmas this year, too. Sucks - but that's how it is.

Typed all day on Saturday - left after dinner (hamburgers! yum!)
Shane went to the boats - but didn't win anything. Bummer.

Sunday - Cam went with me while I took pics (of houses for sale) and was a pretty good boy. However, we had to listen to The Lion King soundtrack - esp. the "Just can't wait to be king!" track. LOL Whatever works - esp. for being in the car for almost 5 hours. I can't complain too much.
We HAD to rent Lion King 2 from Blockbuster after all of that Lion King music! LOL I rented Guess Who? with Bernie Mac & Ashton Kutcher for us - it was cute!
Sunday night - nothing too exciting. Watched some television/movie, read the paper, talked to Shane, bathed & played with Cam.

Today - Monday - went out to Mom's around 9am. I typed all day again.
Cam watched Lion King 2 about 5 times!! LOL His new favorite, you think?! He's actually watching it again at home right now as I type!! LOL
I almost have it memorized, I think!

Had a big scare this afternoon. Cam fell into my parent's pool!!!! OMG!
My Mom let him lay on his belly by the side of the pool (where the steps are) and dangle his hands in the water. She was sitting on the deck in a chair. Next thing she knows, he falls in face first!! AHHHH!!! She manages to jump in (almost loses her balance b/c of her wet flip-flops) and grab him by the shirt. He coughed and cried some - but was fine... THANK THE LORD!!! He kept saying - "I'm alright! I'm alright! I'm alive! I'm alright!" Poor baby!!! It could've been very, very bad... and i'm so glad it wasn't!! *WHEW!* New rule - no playing by the pool w/out floaties or a life jacket!! Just in case!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2005

This is ridiculous! The gas prices right now - it's unbelievable. I'm lucky that I only work about 3 miles away from home - I can't even imagining others in big cities that work clear across town - and how often they are needing to fill up their tank!! OMG!

Btw - This picture was actually taken in Long Beach, California - August 18, 2005 by PCAdapan. (AOL News) Thankfully it isn't that high YET here - around $2.79 the last time I checked. I'll have to look again this morning when I take Cam to school. I had a half tank the other night - and we went ahead & filled it up all the way. $25.00 just for a half of tank! It usually takes around $27.00 to fill up my whole car! UGH!!!