Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday Fun

I thought I'd take a few fun quizzes today... I mean, it's Friday afterall!! :)

You Are Boyish Sexy

You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys

Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football...

Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.

You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.

You Should Get a Tattoo of Initials

Modern and expressive

You're proud of who you are (or who you love)!

Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.

You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.

If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.

You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

You Are Sheryl Crow!

Down to earth with tons of creative energy

When you talk, everyone can relate to you

"Life springs eternal

On a gaudy neon street

Not that I care at all"

You Are Western Boots

Your boots can sure walk a long mile - but they're still chic!

You Are a Natural Beauty!

You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...

One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup

That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though

You have style, but for you, style is effortless

Friday, January 20, 2006

Photobucket Test

Hook'em Horns!

University of Texas

National Champs 2006

I just realized that I could post pics and comments from my Photobucket account and it would show up on my blogger... so this is my test to see how it works! :)


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Last Thursday 13

Thirteen Things about Casie

*1. I need to organize this house - I'm starting to feel like a pack-rat!

*2. I've been drinking alot of Dr. Pepper lately! (blaming it on my boss since he put a vending machine in the school last month!)

*3. I need to get my butt in gear & start doing some exercise... even if it's just walking around the neighborhood.

*4. My 10 yr HS reunion is in 7 months - I wonder who will show??

*5. This goes w/#1. I need to sort thru Cam's toys. They are starting to take over this house!

*6. More about the house - I want to start painting the walls different colors. The boring white walls are so.... well, boring!

*7. I think we're going to have to bite the bullet soon and trade in my good ol' 1994 Camry. It's a great car - but I think the transmission is starting to act up and we don't need that! It's going to be hard getting used to a car payment again though! Ugh!

*8. Shane may be able to score some tickets to a hockey game in a few weeks!

*9. Still having nap issues w/Cam. That boy just doesn't want to nap for anything! We could wake him up at 6:30am & it's still not happening! That boy! And he still has 2.5 more years @ pre-school where naptime is required! Ugh!

*10. How many times can one kid watch Scooby Doo?? I think we're going on record here!

*11. My friend's, Leslie, little boy is feeling better, thank goodness. Luke had to be admitted in the hospital for the Rotavirus. Glad he's out & getting well!

*12. Speaking of Leslie... we need to have a Girl's Night soon! Even if it's just going out to eat & renting some movies!

*13. I need to keep up w/this blog more! I *knew* I'd start slacking sometime! I'm bad at that! Must work on that... commit to things... even if it's just blogging and scrapbooking! It's a start! :)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

1.20.06 Edited: Wouldn't you know! My 1st Thursday 13 and this is the end of it all together! LOL Just my luck! Oh well!

Friday, January 6, 2006


My weekend plans and things I hope to get accomplished!

*get check in the bank! woohoo! payday!
*dinner - go out :) maybe some Mexican! sounds yummy!

*get caught up on the laundry
*put Christmas tree up - yes, it's still up! Got the decoration off of it and put up - but still sitting bare in the corner!
*on same note - Shane needs to get our lights off the house
*SIL's soccer game @ 2pm - Go Pirates!
*do a little shopping - $150 giftcard burning a hole in my wallet
*walk around the neighborhood

*hopefully Shane will make his famous French toast for us... yum
*continue to do some housecleaning
*continue w/list from Saturday if not done :)
*do something outdoors - suppose to be beautiful weekend!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Holy cow!! It's already 2006!! I've really, really been slacking on my blog! I knew i'd get behind, but not this far! Yikes!! So, guess I should start this first post of the New Year with my '06 Resolutions! (like i'll really keep them all - look at the type of pattern I tend to follow!! LOL)

1. Exercise... and not just MORE, but exercise period! Even if it's jogging around the neighborhood block. I'd love to lose at least 10lbs.
2. Get organized.
3. Travel - Even if we just go camping or to Oklahoma - I want to get out of town more this year.
4. Get this house in order - updated, painted, cleaned up, decluttered, etc.
This should really be #1 b/c we really need to get this done!
5... okay, need more coffee. Can't think of anymore!! LOL

To be continued...