Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Holy cow!! It's already 2006!! I've really, really been slacking on my blog! I knew i'd get behind, but not this far! Yikes!! So, guess I should start this first post of the New Year with my '06 Resolutions! (like i'll really keep them all - look at the type of pattern I tend to follow!! LOL)

1. Exercise... and not just MORE, but exercise period! Even if it's jogging around the neighborhood block. I'd love to lose at least 10lbs.
2. Get organized.
3. Travel - Even if we just go camping or to Oklahoma - I want to get out of town more this year.
4. Get this house in order - updated, painted, cleaned up, decluttered, etc.
This should really be #1 b/c we really need to get this done!
5... okay, need more coffee. Can't think of anymore!! LOL

To be continued...

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