Saturday, July 29, 2006

Photo Hunt

Theme: Animals/Pets | Join the Photo Hunt | View the Blogroll


This was Lil' Tad's first pet, Moe aka Momo. He is a Mini-Pinscher & was adorable... as a puppy! ha! He really was precious - just WAY TOO MUCH for our family w/a 2 yr old. I'm sure he's much happier now w/his new owners who didn't have any young kiddos & he was the ONLY baby. He definitely needed alot of special attention that I just couldn't give him! He was *ADORABLE* though, huh???

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday 13

1. I guess I've just been in a blogging funk lately. Not sure. Plus it's been a busy summer. Not really sure what my excuse is!

2. "It's raining... it's pouring! The old man is snoring!" YAY! We are finally getting some much needed rain today! Hopefully it'll cool it off around here & we'll actually get to play outside! This 1 million degrees weather isn't cutting it!

3. My little sister had her 1st sonogram yesterday and I was so glad I got to be there w/her! How amazing to see a growing, thriving, living thing inside of you! Wow! And it was wiggling all over the place. Awww! Notice I said... "it!" It's still too early to determine the sex. Maybe I should've said "he/she". ha! Her new due date is Feb. 10th! I'm WAY excited to be an Auntie! :)

4. Three of my friends celebrate a birthday today! Happy Birthday girls!

5. My 10 yr HS reunion was last weekend. I had a great time! I was glad to see everybody who showed up and glad we did the "alternative" reunion route. We had a BBQ in the backyard of one of my friends who lives right out of the town we graduated from. The *main* reunion seemed really lame & was $200 per couple! Ummm... nope! So... we threw together our own reunion & had an awesome time! She even made picture frames for everyone that said "LHS Seniors 96 - The CHEAP 10 Year Reunion" I love it!! *thumbs up* I even stayed up until 5am Sunday morning! Now that's really saying something for me! ha! :)

6. I think we are on the house-hunt again. Something small & simple. And a nice, fenced yard is a MUST!! Send all the **goodvibes** you can this way that it is a quick, easy, & painless process! I can feel the stress creeping in already! *sigh*

7. I have GOT to get my haircut! I'm going on like 6 months now! Shhhh!! I know!

8. My parents booked our Vegas trip for Lil' Sis' wedding in September. We'll be staying for 4 nights at the Monte Carlo. Hubby is not thrilled about the # of days we are staying. He wanted to stay longer so we could do our own thing a few days w/out everyone else, but as usual - it was too much trouble (you know I'm a HUGE troublemaker!! heehee) to try to book the days my parents were paying for and the extra days we wanted to stay... BLAH-BLAH-BLAH...

9. But on a better note - Sis found a wedding dress that she loves & ordered it yesterday! YAY for her! :) I know she's relieved to have that out of the way! I can't wait to see it. It's not a traditional, white dress... but almost "mocha" colored she said.

10. It's now 9:30 & Tad is still snoozing away! Lazy bum! ha!

11. I have no idea what our weekend plans are?? Hubby's cousin & g-friend are suppose to be staying w/us... so I wonder what hubby is planning on doing to entertain everybody?! I really wanted to make it to Six Flags Over Texas this summer - and that's closer to where his cousin lives, so maybe we should switch the weekend plans and stay with THEM!

12. SIL leaves for college in 20 days. Hubby is sad... but she's only going to be less than an hour away! And he gets to travel that way with work pretty often... so she's really not "leaving" IMO. :)

13. Tad had his picture taken at school yesterday. It's the yearly "dress-up" picture - and this year's "costumes" were: Dalls Cowboy jacket & hat w/a football helmet as a prop for him to rest his hands on - (my parents are going to love this one! Die-hard Cowboy fans!!); A soccer jersey, visor, and soccer ball as the prop (definitely going to be hubby, SIL, and MIL's fav); A camo hat, jacket, and a duck; and a navy suit w/red tie & he was holding a copy of Money Magazine! Very cute! :) I can't wait to see them! I'm sure I'll buy them ALL! :)

Happy TT!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wordless Wednesday


Blast from the Past!
Lil' Tad at Mardi Gras 2003. He was right around 7 months here! Notice the drool! ha!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Monitor Chain

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Photograph this blog post (including your monitor and its immediate surroundings), and post the resulting pic on your blog. Then, the next person photographs your blog post and posts it, and so on. Leave your post URL in the comments so people will be able to follow the chain, and link your image to the post you photographed… this way people will be able to zoom into the monitors by clicking.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wordless Wednesday


Daddy thought it was a good idea to give Lil' Tad some cereal in a cup! ha! ha! There was milk EVERYWHERE... even on the top of Lil' Tad's head!! LOL
**Welcome to the life of a Mommy!!**

Monday, July 17, 2006

Catch Up!

I've been a *MAJOR* slacker lately with my blog! I was getting so good where I would post EVERY day & now look at the # of posts for July! Pitiful!

So... what's been going on?! - you ask!

Lil' Tad just had his 4 yr old check-up. He had to get 4 shots & it was quite an ordeal! I had to hold him down & the nurse how to help me! Poor baby!! This was probably the worst of them all... esp. since he's older now and knows it was coming! He had a reaction to them this weekend - some spots on his tummy & chest plus ran a slight fever. All is better today now, as far as the fever goes, but still have some splotches. They don't seem to bother or itch him, so that's good. He also had his 1st hearing & eye test and all was perfect, of course! :) My little man weighs in at 39.2 lbs & is 41.5 inches tall. He's just growing, growing, growing!

On a sadder note, my grandmother passed away on Friday morning. She has been sick for awhile & has been on oxygen 24/7 for quite awhile, so it wasn't a complete shock, but sooner than expected. My Dad has had a really hard few days... I hate seeing him so upset. It breaks my heart. <3 She had a great 75 years - married to my grandfather for 57 years - raised 6 children and had 15 grandchildren & 8 greatchildren.

And then... to make it worse, my uncle had a heart-attack Saturday morning. (My dad's brother) He's in ICU for now, but expected to get out tomorrow, but spend the next 4-5 days still in the hospital. So needless to say - if you could spare a few prayers for my family - they are definitely needed!

Tad started Vacation Bible School tonight. He got a little scared by "the knights carrying swords who were trying to take away our coins!" And his teacher said he was in tears, but after a detour out to look at the donkeys & goats (set up like a stable in Bethlehem) he was just fine! :)

My 10 year High School Reunion is this weekend!! :) I'm excited to see (almost) everyone! I can't believe it's already been that long since I graduated... just doesn't seem possible. I wonder how much I've changed to other people. Probably not much!! LOL I'm still crazy ol' me - just aged a bit!! ;)

So let's see if I can stay on top of this thing! Someone kick my butt if I don't!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

So, I never got around to posting my 4th of July firework pics... so they will be my WW for this week!! Better late than NEVER, right?! Happy Humpday!! :)

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Don't mess w/me!


You wanna a piece of me?? Huh? Huh?

(my thoughts exactly Lil' Tad!) *sigh!* I'm soooo ready for this week to be OVER with!! (and it's ONLY Tuesday!!)

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Saturday Photo Hunt

Theme: Sign(s) | Join the Photo Hunt | View the Blogroll


Me & the hubby at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville in Cancun, Mexico :)
I really wish we had the WHOLE sign w/out cutting off the top & some of the bottom... but *I* didn't take the picture... obviously!! LOL It's the thought that counts though, right... :)