Thursday, September 8, 2005

1st day of school

Cam's first official day of pre-school in the 3 yr old class went great. Of course, he's used to it already (he's been in the 3's for several months now) but they started back with Circle Time and more w/the curriculum. He said he had fun and when I asked him what he learned he said "The letter A. Apple starts with A. Apple's are red, too! And we colored apples and painted!" And the great part - he's been doing great behavior wise all week! He's gotten a check mark by his name on the behavior chart all week! YAY!! And he's been taking a nap, too! :) He only had to go to time-out once on Tuesday - for not sitting against the wall when asked to.
(Hey - I can live w/that! That's nothing compared to normally!! LOL) and no time-outs yesterday!! I'm so glad! I think getting the older kids out of the room and more kids just his age helped alot. You know those older kids were a bad influence on my angel!! ;) heehee

I've been fighting getting sick - i've felt alittle yucky all week. Bronchitis, upper resp. infections, fever, and colds have been going around school. Yuck. I woke up this morning all stopped-up and coughing a little bit. I have a headache now, sniffly and my ears ache alittle. Goodtimes!
I'm going to pick me up some OTC meds after I drop off Cam at school and hopefully that will help. I haven't been sick in FOREVER.

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