Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

Lil' Tad was so excited to show me that he found the froggie piece of his Memory Game! ha!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Sick & tired... of being sick

Ugh! I haven't been sick in FOREVER and of course, on my 3 day weekend - I'm sick. When I first woke up on Saturday, my throat was so sore that I thought I had strep. It got better after a popsicle and some ice-cold water. So, maybe it was drainage!? Starting running fever later and just felt icky... slept off & on all day on Saturday. Sunday - a little better, but still not good. Did manage to take Tad to play some mini-golf. Today - better, but still a bit feverish, sneezing, head is congested, and stuffy. Meds don't seem to be helping. My boss called tonight and she has the same thing PLUS body aches. Can I come to work early tomorrow for her?? :( I can... but don't wanna. *sigh* Hope tomorrow is better.

One thing that DID make me happy this weekend! We almost have our trip planned out for the week of June 17-24th to head back down to Isla Mujeres Mexico! I'm super excited about this plus Tadpole is going w/us! I can't wait to take him to the beach! :) And you know i'll be taking LOTS & LOTS of pics! YAY! After we get the confirmation about the beach house we are hoping to stay in all week - I'll post a few pics from their website! *Cross your fingers* that it all works out!

19 days and counting!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Class of '06

I can't believe I graduated this time 10 years ago! WOW! It sure doesn't feel that way! My reunion will be sometime in July! Can't wait to see everybody... well, I'm sure there are a few people I could live w/out seeing again!

But... my the main point of this post was to say **CONGRATS** to my beautiful sis-in-law, Miss A, on graduating Friday night! I'm going to miss going to all of her soccer games! However I won't miss hubby getting kicked out of games! (HA!)

I had a hard time getting my camera to focus being that it was outside, at night - and some little boy kept bumping into my arm! I wonder who that could be?

Big Bro and Little Sis! (Hubby & Miss A)

Tad loves his Aunt A!

And I wasn't able to make my nephew's graduation tonight b/c of me feeling crappy!
Hubby did make it though - and sent my best... and some $$! I'm sure he's forgiven me!! Congrats to Mr. S, too! :)

Photo Hunt

**I almost didn't get this posted today. I woke up feeling yucky - sore throat & fever - and have spent most of the day on the couch! Ughh! *Crossing my fingers* that it isn't strep! The good news is - it's a great excuse to eat a Brownie Batter Blizzard from DQ! Yum! Okay - here's this week's Photo Hunt! :)

This Week's Theme: Red, White, & Blue

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Lil' Tad sportin' his R,W,&B over the last few years!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thursday 13

*Posting this a bit early as I have to go in to school early & not sure if I'll have time Thursday AM! You never know what the morning has in store for you... esp. with a little one!! :)

13 Things About Lil' Tad

1. He's about to turn the big FOUR on June 18th. (Father's Day)

2. He is an only child - as of now! :) Hoping to get him a baby brother or sister... someday!

3. He is also the only grandchild in my family... Yes, he's spoiled rotten!

4. Superheros are his fav. Batman, Superman, and Spiderman especially!

5. If you ask what his favorite foods are, he will reply - "Steak & bacon!"

6. He has a facination with counting right now. He counted to 100 tonight with his Daddy... in between commercials of American Idol. (He was rooting for Taylor!)

7. He loves to dance... and especially at weddings! That boy has "sweet moves!"

8. Flip-flops are his "shoes" of choice for a few months now! Takes after his Mommy!

9. He has a fear of getting his face wet/putting it under water. We're working on that and he is getting better. He no longer freaks out and cries when I try and wash his hair anymore! YAY! He's also taking swimming lessons in a few weeks! *cross your fingers*

10. Temporary tattoos are always somewhere on his body! ha! Right now he is sporting a pirate skull on his belly and a snake on his back. My little rebel.

11. My little snuggle-bunny. He loves to give "kissys & huggies" often. He likes to sit on my lap or lay beside me on the couch if we're watching a show. I'll take all I can get!

12. However... I'm usually chop-liver whenever my Dad is around. "Johnny" is #1 in his eyes. He's grandpa's favorite little man, as well. They are t-i-g-h-t!

13. I am so blessed to have such an incredible little boy. He's just amazing! I love him more & more each day! :)


**Another shout-out to Ms. TNChick! Along w/my NEATO header, she also made my super cute TT banner! Thanks girlie!

Please leave your link below if you played this week! (and commented!) Thanks! :)

Wordless Wednesday


Other WW's leave your link here - if you left a comment!! :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My new header

YAY! This totally made my day! :)

A big, huge **THANK YOU!** to my friend, TNChick, for this awesome new header! You rock!

Isn't she the coolest?!? WOW! :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Letter Tag (R)

Directions: Write 10 words with the letter you've been given - plus an explanation of each. TNChick gave me the letter R. Okay, I thought this would be easier than it is, so here it goes.

1. Raspberry Margaritas - My Dad has made me a couple the last few times we've been at my parent's house. Very cool & refreshing... A great way to welcome Summertime!

2. Rivers Edge Cottages - Located in Watson, Oklahoma - close to Beavers Bend/Broken Bow. I mentioned these before in another post. We stayed in one of the log cabin cottages last year and absolutely LOVED it there! Perfect, private getaway for us!

3. Running - Something I SHOULD start doing again. I've been "talking" about doing it for months - now getting my butt in gear is another thing!

4. Rat Terrier - The puppy that I had in high school named Daisy. She was soooo hyper, but so sweet & adorable. We lived out in the country, so she wasn't fenced it. We think she got hit my the mailman's truck. We never figured out what happened - but she had some pavement buried in her fur & internal injuries. :(

5. Rascal Flatts - Their newest hit - "What Hurts the Most" WOW! It gets me everytime... and esp. the video! I just downloaded it to my iTunes.

6. Ramble - I'm very good at that one! I can talk about anything!! I think this is a trait passed down from my Mother! (ha!) LOVE U, Mom! :)

7. Reality TV - I've heard both sides...some love it & others can't stand it. I wouldn't call myself a Reality TV junkie (or at least not at the moment!) but I do watch my fair share of shows. And I do admit that some are stupid -but it's my guilty little pleasure!! The Real Word, The Gauntlet, Paradise Hotel, Laguna Beach, Big Brother, American Idol - to name a few! ;)

8. Reading - I don't think I've read an actual book since Lil' Tad was an infant. My Mom did let me borrow a book she just finished, so we'll see if it actually makes it off the coffee table. I do read SEVERAL magazines though - Parents, Cosmo, Glamour, and People.

9. Reunion - My 10 year High School Reunion is this summer. I can't believe it's already been that long! The actual reunion that has been planned seems pretty lame and expensive, so I've been in contact w/a few of my old classmates who are thinking about throwing our own reunion at someone's house instead. :) I really like this idea - plus the people being invited are ones that I *actually* do want to see!

10. Renee - My little (and only) sister's middle name. Allison Renee. She just turned 22 in April and is set to get married September 17th in Las Vegas to her high school sweetheart. She also works at the same preschool that I work at, in the 2 year old class - and had the joy of having Lil' Tad in her class a few years ago. I just love her to pieces and feel so lucky to have a sister that I'm so close with! Not only sisters, but friends! :)

If you'd like to play - let me know and I can *TAG* ya with a letter! ;)

Fun in the Sun


We had a great Sunday just hanging out by my parent's pool. It was a beautiful day w/blue skies and the pool was a little chilly at first, but it took no time to warm up! I was afraid I was going to be bright red by the end of the day, but surprisingly I'm just barely pink on my cheeks and shoulders.

I mentioned a few days ago that Tad was going to be taking swimming lessons in a few weeks & we wanted to get him over his fear of water in his face BEFORE the lessons. Mainly so the instructor wouldn't have to spend the whole week getting Tad to put his face in the water! Well, he didn't actually dunk his whole head under, but we did manage to get him to blow bubbles and get his face wet - eyes, nose, mouth in the water. Definitely a start and I was very proud of him! :) I'm hoping to get back out to my parents a few times this week - to do some more practicing.

I needed the relaxing afternoon - and my Dad's good food! Burgers and then Pepper steak over rice for dinner. *YUM!*

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Photo Hunt

Theme: Flowers

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Pink flowers

These are Bouganvillas that are in my parent's backyard. I love the bright pink colors of them! Very summery and fun!

Other Photo Hunters playing this week - Please leave your link below!
(Don't forget your comments!)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday Randomness


I can't wait to just relax this weekend. We only have 1 thing that we HAVE to do (go to my friend's daughter's dance recital on Sat. night) this weekend! Tad is taking swim lesson in June, so hoping that we can get out in my parent's pool this weekend sometime and start getting him ready. Yes, getting him ready for swim lessons sounds weird... but he can't even put his head under the water, so hoping we can get that fear conquered BEFORE so he can actually learn the other stuff during lesson time! Make sense?

Now that all of my shows are almost over for the season, what in the world am I going to do??? ha! Grey's (WTH is wrong w/Meredith?! Forget McDreamy and choose cutie patootie Finn! Okay, McDreamy is HOT, but... STILL! And poor Denny. I actually cried!), Desperate Housewives (house burning, hubby's cheating!), ER (CRAZY ending! Gun shots, kidnapping!) American Idol (well... almost over! I've been rooting for Chris & Katharine this whole time, but I think I actually want Taylor to win!), and The OC. (Yeah, I admit it. I like that show!! LOL And I can't believe how it ended! She's dead??) I'm going to miss all of the drama - that's the only drama I have in my life!! LOL Which I am thankful for, btw! :)

Off to surf the web for some Summer Themes to use at school this summer. We want to have some *fresh* ideas this summer plus keep the kiddos entertained & happy! 'Cuz if the kiddos aren't happy, the teachers aren't happy! :)

Happy Friday everyone!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday 13

13 Favorite Pics of Lil' Tad

1.HALLOWEEN 2.hola2 3. 5.5MOS
4.P10100085. P10100196. P1010041 7. P1010054
8. Jan04 copy 9.Sept03 10. snow
11. sweetheart 12. P1010043 13. P5140362 copy

Picking JUST 13 was so hard!! I could've probably post 50 favorite pics w/no problem! :)

Link here if you also participated this week and left a comment! :)

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

(Wow! I've been fallin' behind this week w/my posts! Been a busy girl! Here's my photo for this week,though. Enjoy!!) :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." Maya Angelou

"Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers, and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother in the whole world." Joseph Stefano

"A boy's best friend is his mother." John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." Jane Sellman

"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylum would be filled with mothers." Dr. Benjamin Spock

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." Arnold Bennett

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." Abraham Lincoln

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." Kate Douglas Wiggin

Hope you all are enjoying your special day! :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Frog Jumping Day!

About This Date

A story about a jumping frog made Mark Twain famous. It was first published in 1865 as "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog" while Twain was still a struggling journalist in California - and two years later it was the main attraction of his first book. He never wrote another short story that had such widespread appeal and was so popular.
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain

I've never even heard about this day until today while I was looking for some Mother's Day e-cards to send out to some friends! Of course, it's about frogs, so I **HAD** to share!! :)

Photo Hunt

Theme: Celebration

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I also did a "Celebration of Life!" My little man will be the big FOUR next month! It's hard to believe that I have a preschooler already! The pic is from his 1st Birthday in 2003!

*And Happy B-Day to TNChick's little girl!!*

Friday, May 12, 2006

YAY! I MADE IT! I was worried there for a minute! *UGHH!*
What a week! And to top it all off... someone broke in to the preschool on Wednesday night and stole our computer! WTF is wrong w/people?? *ARGHHH!* And they climbed in through a really, really small window in our Nursery, which cut them all up.. and they bled all over the place. ICK! I'm freakin' glad the idiot(s) got cut-up! (Did I just say that??)And of course, all of the pics that I've been taking for the last 2 weeks for our Pre-K Graduation slideshow... Yup *sigh* They were on that computer and I didn't make a copy!! :(

Let that be a lesson to y'all! BACK UP EVERYTHING!

*Big Breath* So, I'm going to take all of the pics that I can today of the Pre-K kiddos & just turn in what I can! It's out of my control! That's the way I have to look at it! :)

Hooray for the weekend!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday 13

1. I wanted to have an upbeat, fun T13 this week... but I'm so braindead, I can't even think straight. I'm lucky I'm even getting this much done! ha!

2. Somehow I always end up getting myself into these "projects" at school...At first I'm just "helping" and by the end of it.. I'm the one "in charge" of the whole thing!

3. And not that I really mind b/c I'm good at it and I do enjoy it... I just get bombarded & overloaded with it all. And it's always at the last possible minute.

4. I'm typing & putting together a cookbook for each of the 4 classes at school for Mother's Day. I still have a little more typing to do (after staying at the school until 8:15pm last night!) plus all 4 of the covers need to be finished & laminated. 100 copies MUST be put together by the end of the day! Yeah, I'm a little stressed!

5. We are also having our Pre-K Graduation next Tuesday, so we've been practicing for that all week at a Church a few blocks away. (where the ceremony will take place)

6. I've also been taking pictures of all of the Pre-K graduates-to-be for the slideshow presentation we will be showing at the ceremony. I have to have those burned on a disk by tomorrow and I still have a few shots to take! *double sigh*

7. I'm really, really not trying to be bitchy b/c like I said... it's not a big deal, but it's the RUSH of it all that gets me!! ha!! But somehow, I always manage to get it all done!

8. We had class group pictures yesterday morning. I can't wait to see how they turn out! We took it out by our pre-school sign in front of the school! We've got some cute kiddos, I do say myself.

9. Tad has had a great week at school. His teacher said that he's maybe been in time-out twice the whole week... which is REALLY good for my little stinker!! :)

10. And he's been eating good, too! *Oink Oink* I can't believe how much that little guy can eat... and he's not even 4 yet!! Whoa! He eats more than me!

11. Tad is visiting with my Dad & Stepmom this Friday night. They are going to pick him up early from school & then bring him back on Saturday night, so he can spend Sunday, Mother's Day, with me! :)

12. I don't know what we're going to do on Sunday. We'll probably go out to my Mom's and maybe swim (?? if it stays warm like it has all week) and grill-out! That would be nice!

13. This was more of a re-cap of my week & weekend to come... but in 13 sections!! ha!! Sorry for the boring T13!!! Next week should be better!! :)

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

(Yes, it's a real frog w/a caterpillar on it's head. We found this frog by my parent's pool. My Mom (not Tadpole) actually put the caterpillar on his head!
He just sat there... chillin'. What a good sport!! ha!)

Sunday, May 7, 2006

blog things

It's all Ms. TNChicks' fault! She got me looking at those blog quizzes again today! (ha!) So here's a few I did today - just in case YOU'RE bored!! :)

How Happy Are You? You Are 76% Happy - You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world. Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up. (Sounds right!)

What Age Do You Act?
27 years old (I guess I pretty much act my age - a year off!)

What Sort Of Artist Should You Be? You Should Be Fashion Designer -Although you're offbeat and artistic, you have a good eye for trends. You can figure out new incredible clothes to create... that will sell well! (I don't think I'm really trendy... anymore. I'm pretty simple - shirts & flip-flops.)

What's Your Blogging Personality? Your Blogging Type is Logical and Principled - You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog. And if someone doesn't what you write, you really don't care! Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you. (I guess it's a little true... but I'm not very serious... although a little blunt sometimes. I try to be nice & upbeat mostly! )

How Scary Are You? You Are Not Scary. Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?
(Aww Man! I wanted to be at least a LITTLE scary!! ha!)

Who Were You In A Past Life?
You Were: A Redhead Assassin. Where You Lived: Japan.
How You Died: Buried alive. (Interesting...)

How Do You Live Your Life?
You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.
(Yeah, sounds like me!)

Sunday boredom

I'm sure there are plenty of things I should be doing today... rather than sitting in front of this thing. This week is going to be crazy busy & I probably won't have much computer time (except maybe at night after Tad's in bed) so I'm taking advantage while I can... yeah, that's it! :) Sounds good to me!
Tad & his lego castleLittle Man is proud of puzzle!P5060184

I HAVE done a few things today - washed a few loads of clothes, cleaned the kitchen, put random things in their proper places, watched Scooby Doo & Toy Story, put together a Scooby Doo puzzle twice, messed around w/the settings on my camera while Tad practiced his "flips", built a castle out of Legos, made a batch of brownies, read the newspaper, & made reservations for Tad's 4th b-day party in June! That's something! :)

Tad's class is going on a field trip tomorrow all morning on Monday(and of course I'm going!). We have Pre-K Graduation practice on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, Mother's Day Tea is on Friday plus I have to finish up the Mother's Day Cookbooks before Thursday! (I'm in charge of the typing & the cover) *whew*

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Photo Hunt

This Week's Theme - Open

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Lil' Tad really enjoys his chocolate ice cream!
(taken during a trip to the Zoo in March)

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Thursday 13

Froggie Mama's 13 Random Favorites

1. flip-flops


3. snuggling

4. sweet tea

5. the beach *wish I was there*

6 & 7.

8. taking pictures

9. sour punch twists - esp. the cherry ones

10. dimples


12. my loving family & awesome friends

13. and of course, froggies *ribbit*

Other Thursday 13 participants to check out:
(don't forget to leave a comment, though!!)

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